It requires soldering skills, tools a chip and voiding the warranty on your PS2. You can find wiring diagrams and tutorials online. Each chip is different, so there is no universal answer.
you have to get somebody to install a mod chip then you can add mods and put games on the ps2 although, if you bought your ps2 and it was already chipped, then it'll be easier for you to add mods. But downloading them and installing them requires the right programs and requirements...
Yes you can, unlike what the person said before me. If its electric, you can hack it, jailbreak mod it, etc. You need to go out and buy a mod chip and have it soldered into the system, its complicated but can be done.
you cant mod ps2 only PC
get it chipped how do you mod it with out a chip
You can not play Nintendo games on a PS2
Yes, you can buy SwapMagic or you can find someone to put a mod chip in your console.
swap magic
u can but u would have to either modify your ps2 or find a mod chip to play all region games, or u coul get a Japanese ps2Answeru can but u would need to modify yr ps2, get a mod chip, or just get a Japanese ps2
It does not exist
Nope. Ya need to mod ya ps2 to play downloaded games
you have to get somebody to install a mod chip then you can add mods and put games on the ps2 although, if you bought your ps2 and it was already chipped, then it'll be easier for you to add mods. But downloading them and installing them requires the right programs and requirements...
Over in the UK PS2 modchips are illegal, although you can order them from abroad... i.e. to pull a name out of a hat, I have never used these but all look official.
Depense if you have CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Nothing happens in a CD-ROM drive. second of all, go to and get a modified ps2 or solder in a mod chip because there is a secret thing that all legit disks from the store have called macro vison. your dvd-r disk dosent have that so it wont play. a mod chip is bassicly a new cercit board for your ps2 WITHOUT the macrovision detector.
in supersonic or in gameplanet
how do you download a mod for ps2
no you can only mod a PC version Yes you can edit gta sa on ps2 it just requires a mod chip or any type of modded ps2 console it dosen't matter if it's a fat or slim.if it's a slim you can use swapmagic which allows you to play a modded disc if you own one