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you go to a spot that gives you the option of prospecting then folow the colors to the treasure in this order blue-green-yellow-orange-red-fast red when you are givin the option to dig press a,then collect the items

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Q: How do you prospect on Wii my sims?
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Prospect for them in the area near the railway line.

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You prospect it in the southern area of the forest.

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You prospect it in the southern area of the forest.

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you need to be on level 4 and go to the desert and there will be a junk yard press prospect

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there's a place in the desert if you past star level 4, you will see a few graves then prospect

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go into the desert and prospect by the big claw. hope you find it! good luck! btw it was really hard for me to find it.

On My Sims video game for the Wii where is the essence stone for chef Gino's pizza oven?

Prospect over by the train station. You'll find the stones there.

Can sims on sims pets 2 for wii have a baby?

No. Sims 2 pets for the Wii, Sims cannot have babies.

Is Sims 2 for the Wii?

yes of course it is

Will The Sims 3 be on the Wii?

The sims 3 is on the wii now Hope this helped

Will thee Sims 3 be on Wii?

There is a sims 3 on wii, lol :P