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When you log in and hit play it will take you to the loading screen when it is done loading click on the toon you want to play and your toon wil appear on screen.

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Q: How do you play toontown after you log in?
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How do you get on old toontown?

Log in on the ToonTown page.

How do you park a toon in toontown?

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How do you log into toontown web info?

Create an account, download the invasion tracker, and log in.

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Yes. Thousands of people play Toontown...

How do you get the victory dance emotion on toontown?

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buy from cattle log

How do you download Disney toontown so that you can play it on your desktop and it works?

Well, Depending on what your running (Mac, or PC) You go to the ToonTown website, and click the play now button. This takes you to a place where you log in using your Disney Online Account, after that it brings you to a download screen, follow those directions.

How do you change your parent password on toontown?

Log in, and click change password..?

How do you be a member without suscribing on toontown?

log in on the website and type in the code.

How do you log out on toontown?

Go to your sticker book, Find options. Click Log out and then quit game on the toon menu.

Can you play toontown on the iPhone?

Sorry but No you can't use toontown on phone.

How do you get your toontown parent passowrd?

To get a parent password, you must buy ToonTown or activate SpeedChat Plus.