It depends on what Sims you own. Some of them you must have the disk inserted, and others once you install them you don't.
No is can't. You have to have the disc
You need the Mac Sims 2 game, and then when you put into your computer, a little sims 2 disc will pop up. click on it. Then drag the Sims 2 app to your hard drive, and it will begin to install. Be sure you have the MAC disc or it will not work!
its supposed to come with the case if you bought it....
Yes, you can install one copy of Sims 2 on as many computers as you want. However, you need the Sims 2 disc to start up the game. You can take this Disc out after you have gotten into a Neighbourhood and start up the other Sims 2, however, the Disc will be required for loading screens sometimes (Neighbourhood -> House etc.)
You don't
You need the orignal sims 2 disc!
The sims two disc i think it is The sims two disc i think it is
You acually need to put in the disc, the sims 2, the sims 2 double deluxe, the sims 2 deluxe, or the sims 2 holiday edition to play.
If you have no disc you can download a patch where the game will play with out the disc.
yes you can. the sims and the sims 2 are completely different games only sims 2 is like a sequal you can play it on its own.
No you need the disc to play it.
No, you need the disc to play it.
You can not play the Sims without the disc.
As long as you have the sims 2 disc and box then you should be able to play it. If you mean playing the game without the bon voyage expansion pack then you just uninstall bon voyage.
all you need is the expansion, first you install it and then every time you want to play the game you put in the latest expansion disc you installed
You need 2 HAve a disc in THAT SAYS the sisms 2 freetime 2 play it or u can install and then download it and then play it i tihknik
You either but the disc or download from the net. But if you want to play all expension pack etc. Pets, Nightlife or Univercity, then you will Sims 2, Sims 2 special DVD edition or the Sims 2 holiday Edition to play =D