First wear ONLY your guitar. Then press 'D' on your keyboard.
While you are holding the guitar, go to you options of " Sit, Dance, Wave " and click on Dance.
AngelHuynh6 (clubpenguin player)- I TRY that and it didn't even work!!!!! :(
Xycodie (clubpenguin player)- I do the same thing everytime and it works. i don't know what you were doing. you wear only guitar no clothes. then you dance. either click d when typing is off or go to actions and click dance.
You can play Rock band with a guitar hero guitar, but you can't play Guitar Hero with a Rock Band guitar.
yes but you need the guitar grip to play
He can play guitar, but not well enough to play onstage.
Put the guitar in your inventory, then go to a public place and play the guitar.
No. You have to have a guitar (Can be "Rockband" or "Guitar Hero" guitar or a drum set.)
no you cannot
you go somewhere with no sound and play your guitar or other instruments
You need to wear ONLY your guitar and press 'D'.
You probably have to wear only the guitar. Then wave or dance.
wear nothing apart from the guitar and then dance or wave. I hope this helps ;)
Go to the Headquarters and look at the magazine retards
Buy it
1. Buy guitar. 2. Take everything off, and put the desired instrument on. 3. Dance, you should be playing it, if you did everything correctly.
you can't
you buy it at the gift shop
you can get clubpenguin cheats but not clubpenguin