No like in Crash of the titans we play as both crashes on co op adventure
Like most games you just have to be patient, play games, and not spend any until you have extra coins to spend. The easiest thing to do is find a game you're good at and like to play, plus not mind playing it over and over and over and etc.
Hi!! Do you want to know how to put clothes/items in your closet for coco girl last time i play coco girl i dont know how but now i know these are the steps: 1st: go to your room on coco girl 2nd: open your chest on coco girl 3rd: look for the clothes you want to put on your closet on coco girl 4th: click the sign (hanger) on the top of your clothes there is two button there the hang (hanger) and the add to favs (heart) 5th: and last you choose where you will put it!! I hope this answer will be helpful to you and also to others thank you!
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You can play the free version on Minecraft's home page. The link is under "Sources and related links" below this answer. Mind that the free version is Classic, not Survival, meaning that there are infinite blocks to play in, just free building.Or the multiplayer version. Mind that you need an account, which is achieved through registration.You can also play the Survival version. Mind that you need to buy the game, which is achieved through an account, which is achieved through registration.Minecraft Beta currently costs 14.95 Euro, which is about $20 USD.go to the website and download it or play off of browers
You can play with Coco after you defeat her..only on the Xbox360 and the Wii though
You need two controllers and the player on controller #2 is coco Not true i play with my brother and he is player 2 but he is a white crash!!!
No you cant but when you fight him at the end of the game you can jack him and play as him.
Just play through the game--you'll get to them.
Crash,Coco,Cosmic Crash, Aku Aku, And the mutants
-plug in a second controller -start the game like usual (1 player) -get to the point where you can walk around in the game -click the red o button or click the + button (Wii=+ : Play Station- o button) -for playstation 2, a white furred crash should appear (carbon or cosmic crash) -for Wii, you can play as Coco Bandicoot
Just plug in a second controller (or connect it on wireless controller consoles) and press Start. Unless, of course, you are referring to the DS version, in which case there is no 2-player version.
He will play if the sox do not start Coco Crisp. The Red Sox are trying to trade Coco
Start the game like usual, as 1 player, when the game starts and you are able to walk around, click either the circle button on your playstation controller, or " + button" on your Wii remote. A white-furred crash should appear.
play with teenage mutant nija turtles!!!
no you cant