Impressions mean the number of people who view your ad. Do note that not every person who sees your ad clicks it. Thus, if you wish to know the amount people who actually click your ad and sees your game, you should refer to 'Clicks'.
Yes. If someone have reported when you botted. They make take a while to analyze the pattern you or your bot's mouse clicks.
you pull the hook across (the hook in the bottom left corner) and then you quickly pull the circle down from the middle of the top before the hook reaches it's starting position. It's hard but i got it. p.s. it's the last level. lol took me 832 clicks to finish the whole game T_T
The higher the ping is the more lag there is in the world. You usually want less ping so you dont lag and your clicks are registered faster.
you can take a pen that clicks at the top and unclick it so the pen part isn't out so the ink won't get on your screen and use it it's realy simple
What will happen if Sam goes to the View menu, clicks Toolbars, and then clicks Picture?.
What is clicks slogan
i think you have to play puffle rescue in the mine
its how many clicks you have to do it in. so if it says par=2, it means you have to do it in 2 clicks or less. but don't let the clicks get you confused with the par. clicks is how many clicks you did it in last time and par is how many you actually have to do it in. you only pass when the clicks is equal to the par.
Morse clicks, called Morse code, are dots and dashes. Dots are the short clicks, while dashes are longer. Morse clicks, called Morse code, are dots and dashes. Dots are the short clicks, while dashes are longer.
To play with a metronome effectively, set it to a comfortable tempo, start playing along with it, and focus on staying in time with the clicks. Practice regularly to improve your timing and rhythm.
your number of clicks inproves the higher the rank because you need more clicks when you try to get to a higher rank
clicks is slang for kilometer 1000 kilometers
Can I buy lifecell at Dischem or clicks
The bug that clicks and jumps around is a cricket.
five (5) clicks
Bad battery, starting motor or both.