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Yes. If someone have reported when you botted. They make take a while to analyze the pattern you or your bot's mouse clicks.

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Q: In RuneScape can you get banned even after you have botted?
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What is the most botted item in runescape?

Your Mom... just jks... I personally think frost dragon bones.

What is the best RuneScape cheat site?

Do NOT cheat in RuneScape, as your account will get banned.

Your account on RuneScape was banned so what should you do?

If your account was permanently banned, there is no getting back on. You will have to start over, and too avoid getting banned, do not break the rules of RuneScape.

What happens if you scam on RuneScape?

You get banned.

Can owning a bot for Runescape get you banned even if you do not use it?

This is not likely; the rules refer specifically to using a bot, and besides, there is really no way for RuneScape to detect that you HAVE a bot, if you don't use it.

How can you tell if you are banned from RuneScape?

Well it's not that hard, "Jagex" (a.k.a. the company that owns runescape) Makes a notice on the "Account" area of the site, even if you are banned you can still logon to check your "Blackmarks" or warnings. Basically it won't let u on ur account

How do you cheat RuneScape?

It is highly unrecommended to cheat on RuneScape because your account can be permanently banned.

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When you are banned on runescape can you make other accounts that still work on the same computer?

Well it depends if you were just banned or I.P. banned. If you were I.P. banned you can not play runescape ever again on that account and on that computer now if you were just banned then you could use other accounts

Are RuneScape autos safe?

No Runescape automation software is completely safe. Even if the software is free of malware Jagex has a state of the art macro detection system and you're likely to get banned from their use.

What is the password of Big Mike on RuneScape?

Don't tell people's passwords to others, even if it is your own! It is against the rules and regulations in RuneScape to share passwords or ask for passwords. You could easily be reported and your own account will be Muted or even Banned temporarily. If you do hack into someone's account and get caught, all of your accounts will be banned. They find your accounts by looking at the network address so be careful and don't break RuneScape rules! See the question: "What is B A A A M's password on RuneScape?" for similar answer.

Does anyone have a runescape account with a lot of money and gear they can give to you?

Sharing, Buying And Selling RuneScape Accounts Is Against Runescape Rules. You Will be banned once you get someone elses account. please don't get yourself banned... ... ... ...