well you can get some guitar magazines and hope that they publish it which is what i did or you can just learn .start with a b minor then a d then an a then you just have to do pull offs but thats only the begining and its really worth learning because it really sounds great on my Electric Guitar.
You can play Rock band with a guitar hero guitar, but you can't play Guitar Hero with a Rock Band guitar.
for guitar hero world tour you need to plug the USB Cord in the back of the wii then start singing
yes but you need the guitar grip to play
You need to buy membership, Then you buy electric guitar no matter red or black... Then you'd no clothes as just the electric guitar in your hands then press "D" and you'll start to sing
He can play guitar, but not well enough to play onstage.
Back In Black Easy I think it is Highway To Hell.
ultimate-guitar.com if you dont know how to read tabs look up a short tutorial on youtube
He plays the guitar and the violin
Eruption and Fade to Black.
Jimi Hendrix was probably the best person to ever pluck the strings of a guitar, but play with his feet, nope never happened. He was known to play with his teeth and behind his back.
You can get tabs on this site to play black ice. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?s=black+ice&w=songs
Opening guitar lick.
The best place to look for any guitar music is on ultimate-guitar.com for any music that you are looking for. This website uses guitar tablature which basically tells you where to put your finger and what to strum instead of giving you musical notes. This website rates how good the tab is because these are basically songs figured out by other guitar players. A direct link to back in black: http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/ac_dc/back_in_black_ver9_tab.htm
Jinxx plays guitar and violin for Black Veil Brides.