You have to make a Hoe (look up a recipe if you dont know it) and use it on grass and 1 in 10 will spawn a seed then use the hoe on grass of dirt near water arfter that select the seed right click on the dirt that you used the hoe on and wait 2 or so mine craft day and it will grow
You do not need carrot seeds to plant carrots. If you have just a carrot, you can plant that in hoed land.
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
You cannot get grass seeds in Minecraft. However if you want to plant some along with some flowers you can use bonemeal on some dirt/grass and it will grow.
There is an infinite amount of seeds in minecraft.
Just like in real life, you can't "make" carrots in Minecraft. You can, however, plant them just like seeds and potatoes.
You do not need carrot seeds to plant carrots. If you have just a carrot, you can plant that in hoed land.
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
if what you mean is the seeds gotten from the grass blocks those will also give wheat. other seeds have diff names
You cannot get grass seeds in Minecraft. However if you want to plant some along with some flowers you can use bonemeal on some dirt/grass and it will grow.
There is an infinite amount of seeds in minecraft.
Just like in real life, you can't "make" carrots in Minecraft. You can, however, plant them just like seeds and potatoes.
there are about 2^64 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Minecraft seeds
First you must make a hoe. Then hoe some grass blocks and you should harvest seeds. Next go near water, hoe dirt blocks and (having the seeds in your hand) tap on the hoed dirt to plant seeds.
It depends what you mean by 'Seeds'. If you mean 'Plant' Seeds, then break grass and you should get them, unless they havent been added to the game yet. If you mean world seeds, I think there is probably an app.
To get carrots in Minecraft PE you need to get seeds. You get seeds from zombies.
Pumpkin seeds can be found in abandoned mineshaft chests and by putting a pumpkin into a crafting table. They are used to grow more pumpkins.
yo need to destroy grass and every once in a while seeds will be dropped. you must collect the seeds and plant them on farmed land. hope this helps!