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Placing items in minecraft is usually done with the right mouse button.

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Q: How do you place something on Minecraft?
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place it down like any normal block. If you want it to do something though, put it in a line or place the redstone next to eachother.

Why won't you tell me about Minecraft?

This is not the place to find out about Minecraft. Look at the Minecraft Wiki to find out about the game in general.

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Go to, find the place where you download MINECRAFT, and under that, or somewhere like that, there will be something like Server.exe (and Server.jar, but thats update, you dont need that one), click on Server.exe. It will automaticly download Server.

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Place the world in your minecraft bin's saves folder.

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The best place to look is on the minecraft forums

Where can you get Minecraft other than Minecraftnet?

There is no other LEGAL place to buy Minecraft.

Where do you buy Minecraft from in Australia?

same place as everywhere else from the minecraft website

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you can't, maybe there is a mod for or something but in default minecraft there are no computers...

What place do you get Minecraft at?

You have to buy it at

Where is the best place to buy minecraft? is the best place.

How do you place a block in Minecraft PC?

To place a block in Minecraft, just right click. Hold down left click to break it.

Is there something related to minecraft?

Minecraft is inspired byInfiniminer,Dwarf FortressandDungeon KeeperThere are many games based on Minecraft including:Ace of SpadesRobloxTerraria