you can find them hiding, most of them are invisible so use the app " Dowsing Machine" it might find them. Or, go on you tube its the best.
There are probly a total of 8 rare candies in Pokemon platinum
Buy an action replay and set it to 999 rare candies
There are only a set amount you can get from the environment without 'randoms' (Pokemon picking them up). For locations, Google it. To have more than the set amount: Have all Pokemon in your party have the ability to pick random stuff up. You can get Rare Candies that way.
Since Pokemon such as Zigzagoon know the Pick Up ability, I would put a whole team of Pokemon with the Pick Up ability at least level 41 (They become just uncommon then instead of very rare) and battle Pokemon or trainers to possibly have your Pokemon hold an item, which may be a Rare Candy.
If you want tonnes of rare candies, I suggest you save up your money to buy gameshark or action replay ds/gameboy advance to hack the game and get extra rare candies.
There are probly a total of 8 rare candies in Pokemon platinum
Buy an action replay and set it to 999 rare candies
Yes. It gives you unlimited amount of rare candies.
U cannot find ALL of the rare candies at ONCE
action replay
I'm not sure i think you have to get professor oak to do it but i almost sure
i don't really care
you cant without cheating
If you want 900 of them get a actionreplay.
Yes you can use Pickup in Platinum. The only Pokemon that may have this ability are: Meowth, Phanpy, Aipom, Munchlax, Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Linoon, Pachirisu and Ambipom. You can pick up as much Rare Candies as you want. Pokemon that are under lv21 have no chance of finding a Rare Candy. Higher lvl Pokemon have more chances of finding Rare Candies.