There are probly a total of 8 rare candies in Pokemon platinum
Buy an action replay and set it to 999 rare candies
You get ye a million rare candies and two Arceus.
999 rare candies on platinum 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000dac 03e70032 d2000000 00000000 (only wrks w/action replay)
No Pokemon can make rare candies, but some Pokemon have the Pickup ability which give them a chance of picking up items randomly including rare candies. Some of these Pokemon include Zigzagoon, Linoone, Meowth, and Sentret.
There are probly a total of 8 rare candies in Pokemon platinum
Buy an action replay and set it to 999 rare candies
Yes. It gives you unlimited amount of rare candies.
U cannot find ALL of the rare candies at ONCE
action replay
i don't really care
you cant without cheating
If you want 900 of them get a actionreplay.
You can find one in the Pokemon League.
you can find them anywhere because I have 10.