There are two satyrs, one on the bridge to the Sphinx and one at the Grove of temples. They will not let you enter those areas until you have reached the Golden Apple on the Tree of Immortality, and you accept the quest for Zeus.
how do you get the red rose on mythology island from poptropica?
You do what the sphinx wants!
you have to get the pots for the guy so he will give you it
When you convince Hercules he smashes the lock for you
After you pass the gates you will have to battle Zeus and after that you will win the island medallion from his daughter.
In the Underworld-hell- as the guard dog of the god Hades.
See Aphrodite and pass her test.
You have to spell out the word TEN with the bones.
you have to pass aphrodite's god quiz
You just jump over the scorpion and ran!
Spell the word "ten" with the bones.
five of each
i think you mean Cerberus, he was the guard dog of the underworld. he had three heads and was about twice the size of a woolly mammoth. after souls crossed the river Styx on Charon's ferry they would have to pass Cerberus to get to the underworld.
pass the "groove of temples", and pass Hades's Kingdom. The take a ride on the the rock that shoots up. then you get to poseidan