Think about what he says. something like "you will not gain CONTROL" press the control key and you may pass.
You cant. You need to get a silph scope at Silch Co. in Saffron City. Most of them are gastly's but some are cubone's. The lvl 30 ghost that wont let you pass is actually a marowak. it is an actual ghost so dont try catching it.
If you look in the corner it says "no! hold on to ur 4 key!!1!"They mean to say "press the 4 key on your keyboard."When you press the 4 key the grate disappears and your on your way!joo disappeared an grate!
There is no level six. Five is the highest, but people will still have missions for you even if you have "finished the game."
click on manage my places on your profile find the world you want the game pass for click the gear by build and click on: create game pass
There is a link to the guide below in the related links.
remember the greatest ninja skill, patience go to the monster and just stand there. it will eventually fall asleep. walk very slowly past it or it will wake up.
you dont even have to go in if you dont want to
The game pass is in the movies section in target, first you haved to register to
you have to get the silph scope from Giovanni at there celadon headquarters (inside the game corner)
press q, there was an advert on the bit when you went through the metal detector and it said press q to drop things
just keep going to celadon city and infilitrate the game corner beat team rocket get silph scope from Giovanni go back to the ghost:)
First thing make your question in a form, where someone can understand even something from the question...
You cant. You need to get a silph scope at Silch Co. in Saffron City. Most of them are gastly's but some are cubone's. The lvl 30 ghost that wont let you pass is actually a marowak. it is an actual ghost so dont try catching it.
i dont even think there are any cheats and if your talking about the pass code then i dont know that either.
???????whats that supposed to mean.....??? umm.. you dont BEAT kindergarten, you pass it, and all u have to do is learn alphabet and numbers!!! jaze.. nd if u mean a game? i dont even know mann
Click on the wizard then it will set easy mode.
Killing yourself for even playing it in the first place. Seriously, what the hell.