You must take the route 406 to the right of Seanport City just beside the Oceanic Museum
After u win world championship, you go to Sky tower in KOSAKA city(Lauren), you will meet Eusine, win and he will give u rainbow pass.
My brother helped me when I needed to get though and he got it from the Ultimate Pokemon Platinum guide book.You can get it at GameStop for 20-30 dollars.
In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum you have to get the national dex before you can enter the pal park.
im stuck on this too. people say you have to go to oreburgh city, enter mt. coronet and head to the top. they say there is a galactic grunt blocking the passageway that leads to the spear pillar. but i dont see a galactic grunt blocking the picture of pokemon.
you cant, well you can if you have a walkthough cheat on
como passar os dois guardas
go to drakebreathe city enter the cave and you will fight lance defeat him and he give you the orange pass finish all pokemon league first
After u win world championship, you go to Sky tower in KOSAKA city(Lauren), you will meet Eusine, win and he will give u rainbow pass.
Beat Volkner of the Sunnyshore city gym.
In order for one to find out how to use the world pass in Pokemon Light Platinum, one might look to their user manual. Another way to find the answer to this question would be to ask a gamer at the game shops.
you have to get a members pass with an action replay
get the member pass from a Nintendo event and then go to canalave city to that locked door
You have to get the Member's Pass, now only available by hacking.
fight dialga in diamond palkia in pearl giratina in platinum
You have to go the house behind the Pokemon Center in Canalave City, and it will activate Darkrai.
in an event, you have to get the member's pass then go in the locked harbor at the top of canalave city above the pokemon center.
Beat the championship by getting a world pass In yellow town. Then take the train in central city then you return and he should have been gone.