To get the santa in the goal, try to shoot ABOVE the glass panel thing. It takes a lot of tries, but once you get the right angle, you can do it. Hope this helped. :) -Anonymous
how do you pass world 6 on level 6 on new super Mario bros
as far as i know you cant :(
type i will find a star at super sonic speed!:)
the third door i think.
youtube will show you a walkthrough just go on it and type in the name of the level and the course. that is what i did.
you need to kik it over and into the chimney
how do you pass world 6 on level 6 on new super Mario bros
you play it and pass
you can pass by being really good or trying your hardest at that hard level
i love you
as far as i know you cant :(
to get to the max level you have to pass level ten, so it`s pretty much level eleven.
use cloud
Will Santa pass your house if you are at church or at the store with your kids?
Quickly equip the left side cowboy with a bazooka.
type i will find a star at super sonic speed!:)
By using a lot of cheats - Level 30 Candy Crush