You have to get 4 in a row and by doing that you mange to get the 2 boxes in the top right corner. Trust me just carry on playing you will get plenty chances of getting 4 in a row, good luck.
You get the key beside the lock then switch them.
how do you pass world 6 on level 6 on new super Mario bros
as far as i know you cant :(
type i will find a star at super sonic speed!:)
the third door i think.
By using a lot of cheats - Level 30 Candy Crush
You get the key beside the lock then switch them.
how do you pass world 6 on level 6 on new super Mario bros
you play it and pass
you can pass by being really good or trying your hardest at that hard level
On the game fyora's quest you can type in "quagler" to pass any level with unlimeted tries.
You need to complete basicly the quest given to you and get 12 nanos.
as far as i know you cant :(
to get to the max level you have to pass level ten, so it`s pretty much level eleven.
you need to kik it over and into the chimney
use cloud
you have to go back to old levels and earn some dynamite. preferably vertical. i use level 8, or 12 for my needs.