step by step:
1 left click the eye dropper tool
2 left click the color you want to change
3 left click the eye dropper again
4 right click the color you want to use
5 select the eraser
6 hold down right click and move your mouse across the Pokemon you want to change
tip: change the lightest color of the Pokemon you want to change then use the lightest shade from the other Pokemon
another tip: color in the outlines with the outlines used from the Pokemon
Pokemon Sprites are the little Pokemon Images used within the Console games. You can get some Pokemon sprites from here
Find an online tutorial and then use any image editing program (even paint) to make them.
in platinum the different sprites are UXIE,MESPRIT and AZELF
You can make animated Pokemon icon sprites using a variety of software. Examples of such software include Photoshop and Flash.
soory but i dont think its possible
Pokemon sprites can be made on paint
go to Google and search up and get any of the sprites and then go to paint, then zoom in on it and then you have a big Pokemon sprites.: )
Pokemon Sprites are the little Pokemon Images used within the Console games. You can get some Pokemon sprites from here
you need paint in accessories in start. In paint you copy a Pokemon image and paste it on paint and cut things of them and place them on different image. to see how to make them in video go to:
Find an online tutorial and then use any image editing program (even paint) to make them.
type Pokemon sprites on Google and then go on Pokemon sprite genorator the website is
Pokemon serebii
in platinum the different sprites are UXIE,MESPRIT and AZELF
You can use MS Paint with a Pokemon sprite sheet to mix Pokemon sprites. You can also mix and edit them to the point they look like "Fakemon" YouTube offers a lot of tutorials on how to make Fakemon, but it can be difficult.
o_O what? If you talk about "fusion-sprite" you need only the various pkmn sprites and paint (or gimp, photoshop, corel...)
Normally Some legendary pokemon do it, like the Legendary bird group (Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres) have Sprites. All the Main Legendary and that are always in the same place have OOB Sprites.
In emerald the sprites are animated