open the bag and then grab what you want from it. ARE YOU EVEN A REAL POKEMON PLAYER!
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.
hit "start" the select "bag"
You press start and select bag, I think?
Enter key, then z.
To open your bag: "Press the button "X" on the right side of your DS/DSlite/DSi and you will come to a page on the bottom of the screen (The Touch Screen) and it will give you a selection of what you want to open.
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.
hit "start" the select "bag"
You press start and select bag, I think?
Press X on your keypad
Enter key, then z.
I preference pokemon crystal
There is no HM08 in Pokemon Crystal. Pokemon Crystal has only 7 HMs that are available to use.
To open your bag: "Press the button "X" on the right side of your DS/DSlite/DSi and you will come to a page on the bottom of the screen (The Touch Screen) and it will give you a selection of what you want to open.
In Pokemon Crystal.
liquid crystal? do you mean Pokemon crystal if its Pokemon crystal the levels are 19 20 and 23
What the hell is a Pokemon crystal
You press enter-enter means start. Backspace is select.