To open the dotted hole, use Cut at the entrance and the door should open.
he is so right it does open
use cut at the door of ruins
use cut
the dotted hole is opened by using cut when you stand in front of the door
First you need a Pokemon with-HM 01Cut,such as Persian.Also a Pokemon with surf.Then use cut on the door and it will open
You will get the 2nd password from a scientist named Gideon inside Dotted Hole and here's how to do that: First use Cut on the door of Dotted Hole to open it, Second inside the cave fall down the hole and you should be in a room with four holes on each corner of the room and if you fall down the holes in this order you will reach the Sapphire Room: Up, Down, Left, Right. Lastly take the Sapphire and it should be stolen from you by Gideon and he will tell you the password and then leave. The password is Yes nah Chansey.
Cut open the door with the HM cut 01
It is on 6 island u use cut to open it inside is a sapphire.
use cut on the front of the door.
use cut at the door of ruins
You could find it in the dotted hole. Remember to bring a Pokemon that knows cut to open the door.
use cut
To get the ruby it's in Mt. Ember off to the right where the team rocket members are or were they will leave after you beat the Pokemon league. For the sapphire it's in the dotted hole and to open the door you need to use cut.
Go to four island and go in icefall cave find HM7 use it to go up the waterfall go to the ladder beat the rockets talk to lorelei go to six island and go to dotted hole the scientist should be gone use Cut to open the door.
the dotted hole is opened by using cut when you stand in front of the door
go to the dotted hole use cut open the door and inside u can find the Sapphire but the scientist steals it and he goes to the rocket wearhouse on island five and you get the second password from him the first is on mt.ember
First you need a Pokemon with-HM 01Cut,such as Persian.Also a Pokemon with surf.Then use cut on the door and it will open
You can find the sapphire in the dotted hole cave on six island to find the cave go to the southern portion of the island, use Cut on the door to open it then fall down the hole in the cave then fall down the holes in this sequence: up, left, right, down.