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the 6th gym is saffron city - enter saffron by obtaining tea from the old lady in celadon and offering it to the guard in the house on route 7. open the gym by defeating team rocket/giovanni in silph co.

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Q: How do you open the 6th gym for Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Who is the 6th gym on Pokemon LeafGreen?

The 6th gym is in Saffron City the gym leader is Sabrina she uses Psychic type pokemon.

Which city is the 6th gym in in Pokemon LeafGreen?

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On Pokemon LeafGreen where is the 6th gym leader?

In Fuchisa city

What are the Pokemon the 6th gym leader uses in Pokemon LeafGreen?

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How do you open the fire gym in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to go into the pokemon mansion, find your way through it, and pull a switch and the gym will open.

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To open the Elite Four, you have to get all the Gym badges.

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In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen you can't open a gym.

How do you open the 6th gym in LeafGreen?

You must beat team rocket at silph co before you can enter the 6th gym.

What is the secret key needed for in Pokemon LeafGreen?

to open the door of the 7th gym!

How do you get the 4 badge Pokemon LeafGreen?

Open the door and challenge the gym leader.

Pokemon mansion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

It's in Cinnabar island. It's where you get the key to open the Gym #7

Where do you find the key to open the 7th gym in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You will find the key to the Gym of Cinnabar Island, From the Pokemon Mansion that is on the same island.