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The sixth gym leader,Sabrina, is in Saffron City.

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Q: On leafgreen where is the 6th gym leader?
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On Pokemon LeafGreen where is the 6th gym leader?

In Fuchisa city

Who is the 6th gym on Pokemon LeafGreen?

The 6th gym is in Saffron City the gym leader is Sabrina she uses Psychic type pokemon.

What are the Pokemon the 6th gym leader uses in Pokemon LeafGreen?

in fuchsia city

What hm do you get to use if you beat the 6th gym leader in LeafGreen?

i am pretty sure it's strength.

Who is the 6th gym leader in Pokemon in LeafGreen?

The 6th Gym Leader of the Hoenn region (FireRed/LeafGreen) is Winona of Fortree City (or Nagi of Hiwamaki City in the Japanese versions). She is the Flying type trainer and gives out the Feather Badge. The Feather Badge allows the move Fly to be used outside of battle and has pokemon obeying up to level 70.

Where is the eighth gym leader in pokemon LeafGreen?

The 8th gym leader is in Viridian City.

Who is the fifth Gym Leader in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The fifth Gym Leader in Pokemon LeafGreen is Koga, the leader of Fuschia City's Gym. He specializes in Poison-type Pokemon and hands out the Soul Badge.

How do you get to the sixth gym leader in Pokemon LeafGreen once inside?

Step on the portals until you get to the gym leader.

Where is the last gym in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Viridian City, Giovanni(Team Rocket Leader) is the Gym leader.

How do you get to gym leader LeafGreen?

It depends on what gym you are talking about all of them you can get to by going to the towns.

Where is TM 6 in LeafGreen?

You get it from the Fuschia Gym leader

Is Giovanni the last gym leader in LeafGreen?
