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go to Lilycove City. Go west through the grass and trainers. When you reach the area of the Safari Zone, keep moving. You will reach a place with a girl. Just above her are stairs. You must go up. Go through the very tall grass and go up the stairs behind it. The cave will not be too far after the stairs. Once inside, read the Braille at the back of the room. It reads "Those who inherit our will, shine in the middle." The riddle means that you should go to the middle of the room and use Flash. The cave door will open. Be careful with Registeel. This Pokemon is more difficult than the others to capture. Try bringing a lot of Ultra Balls or prolong the battle as long as you can by freezing it or putting it to sleep. After many turns the Timer Ball will have gained a lot of strength, and it might work against the Registeel.

P.S. don't forget to save just before battling it

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Q: How do you open registeels chamber on Sapphire?
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Go inside Registeels tomb(after going to sealed chamber.) Read the wall. It says "To those who inherit (something), shine in the middle. Translation: Use flash in the middle of the cave.

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Registeels' cave is on Route 120. Once you get near the lady who gives out berries, go up the stairs, through the long grass, and up another set of stairs. You should now be at Registeels' tomb.

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Go to the middle of the room and use flash

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Is off route 120 near lilycove. Is up a few levels and through some grass. To open the door, read the middle braille, and then use fly in the middle of the room

What do you do to open regices chamber in sapphire?

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use flash in the middle of the tomb

Where is the braille on sapphire?

It's in the sealed chamber which is in route 134.

Where is the sealed chamber at Pokemon sapphire?

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Go in the sealed chamber on the route west of pacifidlog town to find it you need the HM Dive. Solve the braille puzzle then the rock will open.

Where is registeels tomb?

The Ancient Tomb is located in Hoenn on Route 120. To get to Registeel, you must complete the Sealed Chamber's puzzle. Depending on which game you're playing, there are a variety of ways to access the innermost part of the tomb.

Is the sealed chamber where you find regirock in sapphire?

No,you can only catch it in a cave in route 111.