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To open or close a iron door you need a redstone signal to activate it. Some different blocks you can use to produse a redstone signal is a button (wooden or stone) pressure plates, light sensor, or lever.

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Q: How do you open a iron door on minecraft?
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How do you open Iron doors in Minecraft?

Iron doors in Minecraft have to be open with redstone mechanics. So to open the door you would have to connect a lever, a pressure plate, or button to the door.

How do you open door in Minecraft?

How to open a door in minecraft is this: 1. Open minecraft. 2. Open a server or single player world. 3. Find or make a door. 4. Click on it. Doesn't matter if it is left or right 5. Walk through the door. If the door is an Iron Door, follow the above up to step 3. Iron Doors cannot be opened by clicking on them, they can only be opened using a charge

How do you open iron doors on Minecraft?

To open an iron door you can use a pressure plate lever button (reccamended) red stone torch/powder detecto rail

How do you close iron doors in Minecraft?

Iron doors are normally in the closed position. To open it, you have to run 'electricity' or redstone to the block that the door is resting on.

How do you craft and iron door in minecraft?

2 columns and 3 rows full of iron

How do you make a stone door on Minecraft?

With pistons. watch a you tube tutorial on piston doors

How do you open a door in minecraft without breaking it?

just tap the door

What enemies can open a door in minecraft?

something called silverfish will be able to eat wood. now zombies can break down doors! And villagers can open doors. Now in 1.2, zombies can break through wooden doors, not iron doors. And if you are playing in a PvP minecraft server, an enemy faction(army) can overtake you territory and open your doors. Also if there are wooden pressure plates outside the door mob can stand on them and the door will open.

How do you make an iron door in minecraft?

Six iron ingots, in this formation: |X|X|-| |X|X|-| |X|X|-| Where X=Iron ingot and -=nothing.

Why can't I open a door in creative mode on minecraft whiteout destroying it?

You have to right click.

How do you build a freezer in Minecraft?

To make a working fridge in Minecraft, you will need the fallowing materials: 1 Iron door 1 Dispenser (or Dropper) 1 Button 2 Blocks (probably white) -Place the dispenser on the ground facing where you want the fridge door. -Place a block on top and to one side of the dispenser. -Place an iron door in-front of the dispenser so the door is touching the dispenser when closed -Place the button on the block beside the dispenser. -Put food in the dispenser.* * When you press the button the door will open and food will fly out!

How do you create a steel door in Minecraft?

Use iron ingots and place them in the 3x3 crafting grid just like you place wooden planks to make a wooden door.