You can't you have to stand by it and open your inventory and select the work bench in the corner same goes with other things like a sawmill,loom,anvil,and furnace but you have to stand right by the thing you are using to make something IN OTHER WORDS STAND BY IT
Just tap it
Open your inventory, (e by default.) In the upper right corner there are four squares used for crafting called a crafting area. Put logs (punch trees) into the crafting area, and take the planks out of the side. Fill the crafting area with planks, and you got a crafting table with 3 by 3 crafting!
In minecraft, it is necessary to build a crafting table. A crafting table lets you have a 3x3 crafting space to build in. To build it, you take bark, then put it in your personal crafting table in your inventory to get wooden planks, then use those wooden planks by putting then in your inventory crafting table, in a 2x2 format. Out comes your crafting table.
You'll need two iron ingots, a stick and a crafting table. Right click on a crafting table to open the crafting interface. Place the stick in any slot on the bottom row of the crafting grid, and place an iron ingot in each of the slots directly above it.
put 8 wood in a square in the crafting menu thing and then it makes you a crafting table.
You right click on the crafting table.
To use the crafting table just right click it and it should open.
Just tap it
Open your inventory, (e by default.) In the upper right corner there are four squares used for crafting called a crafting area. Put logs (punch trees) into the crafting area, and take the planks out of the side. Fill the crafting area with planks, and you got a crafting table with 3 by 3 crafting!
Open inventory PC = E, Nintendo = X
You use a crafting table just by tapping on it. However, if you are in creative mode, this does not work. I don't know why, but you can't even use a crafting table in creative mode.
go to your crafting table and do this: n= wheat a= empty AAA AAA NNN
You have to craft it.Search the crafting recipe on google.But you need the mechanic first.
To get a crafting table, punch a tree and turn your wood into wooden planks by pressing 'E' and putting the wood into one of your crafting slots. After that place 4 wooden planks in each crafting slot and you will get a crafting table.
In minecraft, it is necessary to build a crafting table. A crafting table lets you have a 3x3 crafting space to build in. To build it, you take bark, then put it in your personal crafting table in your inventory to get wooden planks, then use those wooden planks by putting then in your inventory crafting table, in a 2x2 format. Out comes your crafting table.
put 8 wood in a square in the crafting menu thing and then it makes you a crafting table.
You'll need two iron ingots, a stick and a crafting table. Right click on a crafting table to open the crafting interface. Place the stick in any slot on the bottom row of the crafting grid, and place an iron ingot in each of the slots directly above it.