You'll need two iron ingots, a stick and a crafting table.
Right click on a crafting table to open the crafting interface. Place the stick in any slot on the bottom row of the crafting grid, and place an iron ingot in each of the slots directly above it.
you can make a sword, and bow. the sword can be in wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. you need three of these and a stick to make. diamond is the best to make the bow you need some string and sticks.
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You need the Aether mod.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
shears: [ ] [i] [i] [ ] i = iron
(I = Iron) (S = Sticks) (N = Nothing) NIN NIN NSN
you can make a sword, and bow. the sword can be in wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. you need three of these and a stick to make. diamond is the best to make the bow you need some string and sticks.
In Minecraft one stick "somewhere at the bottom of your crafting table" and two cobblestone,iron ingots,diamonds,gold ingots,etc above the stick make a sword.
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You make the sword, then you go to a mob, then you can get meat or anything that it drops!
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.
To make an iron sword from cast iron, the cast iron needs to be melted down and then poured into a sword-shaped mold. Once the iron has cooled and solidified, the rough sword shape can be refined and sharpened using tools like grinders and files. Tempering the sword by heating and cooling it will help improve its hardness and durability.
To kill a creeper, get close to it, hit it with your sword and back up. Repeat this method until the creeper dies. You will get gunpowder from the creeper. If you have a stone or iron sword they take 4 hits. With an enchanted iron sword or normal diamond sword its 3.
You need the Aether mod.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
shears: [ ] [i] [i] [ ] i = iron
It is impossible to make iron in Minecraft, but it is possible to make iron ingots. To do this, you need a furnace, some coal, and iron ore, you put the coal in the bottom part of the furnace, and put the iron ore in the top, over time, you will get iron ingots.