They condescendingly left that out of any announcement, blog, walkthrough, or video.
Hearthfire has been released on all consoles, including PS3.
Yes, but only if you get the Hearthfire DLC
yes it is
Download the Hearthfire add-on, which was released by Bethesda in 2012.
If you have Hearthfire installed you can use them to make Flour from Wheat.
Yes, you can. Download the official Hearthfire add-on, which was released by Bethesda in 2012, then visit Honorhall Orphanage in Riften.
Yes. And it was finally released on all consoles (yes, including the PS3) on February 19th 2013.
You cant exactly have kids, you can adopt. You go to the honorhall orphanage in riften. You can only adopt if you download the hearthfire add-on
PSN money card, sold in most game shops. Hearthfire is the cheapest, and Dawnguard and Dragonborn is twice as much
yes you can but you need to download an add on called hearthfire its 400 microsoft points for xbox not sure how much for pc and ps3 though
There are mods available on the PC that allow complete revamping of the Hearthfire houses, and you can even get into the Creation Kit and edit them yourself.