Get the Pokemon flute from Mr.Fiji in Lavender town after you rescue him
you use a blue flute to wake it up.after its awake you battle it.
tm28 contains Dig
bellsprout, oddish.
you have to have a poke fluet
Use the pokeflute.
Poke flute channel
You need to use a pokeflute.
sleeping powder
Get the Pokemon flute from Mr.Fiji in Lavender town after you rescue him
No, there is no move called "Chronic Fry" in Pokémon Red & Blue Versions.
yes you can,get the pokeflute from mr.pokemon(after beating the ghost tower place in lavender town)and use it on snorlax(the sleeping pokemon) p.s. i like pie
you use a blue flute to wake it up.after its awake you battle it.
If a Pokemon knows that move use it and in will heal itself