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Go and talk to the great Pokemon master in jubilife city.

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Q: How do you move the grunt near the great marsh?
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How do you get Psyduck to move in diamond?

beat the pastoria gym leader then follow the galactic grunt near the great marsh then battle him at the valor lakefront then when u beat him cyintheia comes out of nowhere and gives u the a secret potion then go to the psyduck then press a and u use the potion and the run off

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after you bet crasher wake go near the great marsh and you'll find a grunt keep on following him till he starts battling. after that you'r rivel ---- will challenge you.

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Talk to a team galactic grunt (near great marsh) and he takes off running follow him and he will lead you to a lake. at that lake they wont let you in and cynthiawill tell you to go to celestic town to deliver something

How do you get past the galactic grunt with no Pokemon on Pokemon platinum version?

I believe that's the one who's in Pastoria City. First you have to beat Crasher Wake before you can do anything that with grunt. Afterwards I believe something will happen in the Great Marsh and you'll go near the entrance building and then the grunt will come out and start running away so you have to follow him until he battles you. After he battles you, he'll leave and then if I recall correctly Cynthia will come by either there or if you go up a little bit.

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Tangela can be found in several places in Pokemon Pearl. These can be found in the great marsh, near Pastoria City, and near Lake Valor.

Where is the matchmaker app in Pokemon platinum?

go to the great marsh in Pastoria city catch 5 pokemon.when the game is over a girl near near the door will give you it

How do you get to the city with the gym leader after wake?

After beating the gym leader go near great marsh there will be a galactic grunt follow him between this your rival will battle you ,after beating him go to the lake keep following until he battle.After beating him go forward you will met cynthiyashe will give secret potions (and old charm to deliver to grand mother in celestic town) then go cure the psyducks in route 210 near the coffee house then to route 210 after reaching celestic town beat the grunt and you will recieve hm 3 surf then fly to hearthhome city.HOPE I HELPED

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You can find Defog in Pastoria city. Go to the Great Marsh and near the beginning, talk to the girl and she gives you it.

Where is the marsh of Egypt?

the marshes were near the banks of the Nile mainly near the delta

Where can you find Barry in Pastoria town in Pokemon diamond?

Outside, head off to the Pokémon Center and heal up. Head east from the Center to the entrance to the Great Marsh, and talk to the Galactic Grunt who is hanging near here to eavesdrop on his conversation. He will run away shortly after. Follow him right and talk to him. As he runs away, your Rival (Barry) will approach you from behind, and you will be thrown into another battle.

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