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When Your In Pastoria City, You Have To Talk To The Team Galactic Guy Standing Next To The Observatory. You Will Then Start To Chase Him Around And He Will Eventually Give Up And Battle You. After That, Either Cynthia Will Walk Up To You. If she doesn't: When you Go In front of the gym's door, Your rival Will Run up but NOT bump into you; YAYYY!!! He wil battle you. Then Cynthia will come over. If she doesn't Then email Me At

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Q: How do you move the flock of Psyduck blocking the road to Celestic Town in Pokemon Platinum?
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How do you get rid of the Pokemon on route 210 blocking Celestic town in Platinum Version?

You have to talk to Cynthia later on the game but you have to take a different path right now. Once you find her she will give you a secret potion so the psyduck will move.

How do you get to celestic town on Pokemon pearl?

First you start from Solaceon, if you already got the SecretPotion from Cynthia you need to use it on the psyduck blocking the path (Route 213 i believe) and then just go through where the psyduck are and just keep going

How do you get HM03SURF in Pokemon Platinum?

When you have revived the psyduck of their headaches, lots of trainers will battle you on your way to celestic town but you have to use defog then there will be a path and i think that you get the hm03 surf in celestic town but i am not certain because i did that step ages ago.

How do you get past the Psyduck on Pokemon platinum?

go to pastoria and beat the gym leader there.(you have to beat veilstone first)chase the galactic guy to lake valor and beat him. Cynthia will give you medicine to cure the psyduck and go to celestic town.

Why are Keckleon are blocking the way in Pokemon platinum?

you need to get a secret potion to cure the kcklon just like in damond and pearl ecxpect psyduck

How do you get past the Psyduck that are blocking the way in Pokemon diamond?

You Have To Do A Lot Things And Beat Gym Leaders And At Some Point Cynthia Gives U Stardust And Asked U To Give Her Grandma A Necklace In Celestic Town U Use The Stardust On The Psyduck

How do you get to celestic town in light platinum?

In Light Platinum, to get to Celestic Town, you need to have medicine to give the Psyduck who are blocking the road just below the town on route 210. You get the medicine by beating the Pastoria Gym, then following and defeating the Galactic Grunt. Cynthia will give you the medicine to remove the roadblock, then you follow a short foggy path to the town.

How do you get to Celestic town in hm Pokemon platinum?

go to pastoria and talk to the galactic guy guarding the marsh. Chase him and Cynthia will appear. She gives you secret potion to cure the psyduck and then you can cross

What do you do when you get in to valor lakefront?

Get a secret potion on Lake Valor for the Psyduck flock that's blocking celestic town's entrance. Hope I helped you man.

Where is cynthia's granny?

you can find Cynthia's granny in celestic town. to get there, you must fly to solacean town then head north. if psyduck are blocking your way Cynthia will give you a secret potion to heal the psyduck. you wil need your Pokemon to know defog.

How do you teach a Psyduck Fly in Pokemon Platinum?

It can't fly

In Pokemon platinum what do i do to make Psyduck evolve?

just raise it to level 33