To move you just simply press x and hold to move right, and z for left.
There are no cheats there are only glitches its not a video game.
I don't really think you can but it would be great if someone did it.
Before introduction of Summoning skill on Runecape, he was usually number one on the Hi Scores in over XP. He is now aiming for number on in FunOrb's Arcanists.
Use any Water type move, Ice type move, Rock type move, Steel type move or Electric type move.
First you move right three times then move down twice then you move left once then move up once then move right twice then move down once then move left three times down twice and lastly right once.
Buy Arcanists membership.
Go to, then look in the list of games, for Arcanists.
At the moment it is Arcanists.
press tab then talk.
Go to Character Creation
Currently it is Arcanists.
good books are underdark, thunder, ice,
Jagex has to invite u to be a mod player
You need 2 computers, 2 memberships and 2 accounts.
There are no cheats there are only glitches its not a video game.
if you are in the lobby just type if you are in a game press tab and right