I have Pokemon Black, but they may be similar!
To remove the nest, you must first defeat the gym leader, who will ask oyu to meet him at the cave. He will be the one to remove the nest so that you may enter
You can buy them at Verdanturf Town.
On the five island. Where do you get sapphire just above the professor there is a yellow box. Nest ball is in there
You can buy these at the mossdeep city pokemart.
not bad but works better on bug type Pokemon
Nest to route 5.
in english, it's called charge stone cave. You reach it if you follow route 6, but if you go there before you challenge the gym, you cannot enter it because a galvantula nest is blocking it. You can enter it after beating clay, the gym leader. He will give you tm 78 bulldoze. hoped I helped you.
Cobalion is in mistratlon cave go up two sets of stairs you will need the following: 1 quick ball 30 ultra balls 50 nest balls Or if you have a spare space in your party 28 heal balls 49 nest balls Or if possible 1 master ball
Raccoons will, on occasion, construct their nest in a cave for the purpose of giving birth.
It will be mixed in the nest material, to glue the nest to a wall or cave.
The Nest Ball makes it easier to catch Pokemon of a low level.
like most birds an eagle builds a nest
The nests of cave swifts are used in bird's nest soup.
Nest balls are sold in Verdanturf Town.
under a bridge in a cave or in a bat home and trees and nest
Farm, paddock
California condors do not actually build a nest, they lay a single egg on the floor of a cave, in a tree, or on a ledge.