Click Ctrl, shift and C all at the same time, a box should appear at the top of your screen, type in:
Then your Sim gets $50,000.
To get $50,000 on Sims 2 Deluxe, type "motherlode".
Use the cheat motherlode you will get 50,000 simoles.
Move your sims into a house they can afford. (sims 2 PC) use the cheat 'motherlode' or 'kaching' and you will get money, move them out then move them into the desired house ;)
klapaucius -sims 1 motherlode -sims 2
To get $50,000 on Sims 2 Deluxe, type "motherlode".
Motherlode= $50,000 kaching= $1,000
motherlode gets you more
money cheat is Ctrl+Shift+C motherlode
SIMS---> rosebud SIMS 2--->motherlode(50,000 simoleans); kaching(1,000 simoleans) SIMS ON PS2---> Look At Other Question
Press left [Shift], [Ctr] and [C] and type in motherlode.
Motherlode: 50,000 simoleons boolprop testingcheatsenabled true: cheat
Use the cheat motherlode you will get 50,000 simoles.