you can by buying this thing for your PC what dos things like that but its illegl unless you have permishon from the ppl how made the game
Games para PS2 não funcionam em PS3 mesmo, sua BESTA! because ps2 games are only for ps2 ps3 games are only for ps3 system ps2 games are for ps2 system
The PS2 Slim Plays all the PS2 games the Fat PS2 would.
ps2 games are 2.00 cm
The PS2 plays games on discs and burnt games do not work with a the PS2
NO ps2 games don't work in Ps1 only Ps1 games works on Ps2
u can but u would have to either modify your ps2 or find a mod chip to play all region games, or u coul get a Japanese ps2Answeru can but u would need to modify yr ps2, get a mod chip, or just get a Japanese ps2
No Sony says if you have a PS3 that will not play PS2 games there is no hardware or software you can purchase to allow it to play PS2 games. Nothing you can download or modify will allow a PS3 to Play PS2 games except for the first models with 4 USB ports
Modify it.
yes, you need a chip for every game that you download or if your ps2 is PAL you can use cogswap. And if you want to play a NTsc and your PS2 , and your PS2 is a PAL version, or vica-versa, you will have to modify your PS2.
The simple answer- No. The in depth answer - Possibly. In order for ps3 games to work in a ps2 you would have to modify the stock System to act more closely to the ps3. No they will not work. The PS3 discs will not even be read by the PS2 disc drive because they are Blue-ray discs
yes u can modify a ps2 by adding more slots for game controllers and by adding a pirated lens which enables u to run pirated CDs or dvds
If your PS2 is an NTSC one and you have not modified it, no PAL game may work. Only if you modify your PS2, then it will work.
If there PS2 educational games. The PS2 will not play games not designed specifically for the PS2 console
Games para PS2 não funcionam em PS3 mesmo, sua BESTA! because ps2 games are only for ps2 ps3 games are only for ps3 system ps2 games are for ps2 system
a PS2 plays PS2 games
No.But PS3 can play PS2 games and PS2 can play PS1 games.
PS2 games are not free and you play them on a PS2