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There are a few sites, check out the Left 4 Dead forums online.

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Q: How do you mod left 4 dead?
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Can you get left 4 dead models in gmod?

no not yet they should release an update in Garries Mod that will allow you to download it for 10.99

How do you spawn barriers in left for dead 2?

you can't without a mod

Is left 4 dead 3 coming out?

No, Left 4 Dead 3 is not coming out. There is only Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Both fun games.

What are similar game for left 4 dead?

There's a popular mod for Call of Duty 4 called "Zombie Mod" that pits human players against AI zombies. Many PC first-person shooters have zombie mods. You could also try "Dead Rising" for the XBOX 360 or Nintendo Wii.

Will left 4 dead work as a game for hl2 mods?

No, left 4 dead will only work for left 4 dead mods.

Can You Die In Left 4 Dead?

left for dead

Is there going to be a left 4 dead 4?

They (Valve and Havok) haven't announced a left 4 Dead 4, but they have announced a Left 4 Dead 3 coming out in 2011.

Is there a haggard in left 4 dead?

Not Left 4 Dead 1 or 2, but Valve and Havok announced the Haggard in Left 4 Dead 3.

How do you get the passing on left 4 dead 1?

You can't get The Passing on Left 4 Dead 1. It is only a DLC for Left 4 Dead 2.

Is left 4 dead a good game?

Left 4 Dead is quite a good game if you like shooting zombies in an online mmo style. But, if you already have left 4 dead, you should get left 4 dead 2.

Is left 4 dead fun?

If you love zombie games then you'll love Left 4 dead, they also came out with Left 4 Dead 2.

In left 4 dead how do you turn when you bunny pounce?

Steam's Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 engines have eliminated bunny hopping.