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You may only mine Obsidian with a Diamond Pickaxe.

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Q: How do you mine obsidian in mine craft?
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How do you get to the nether in mine craft?

You build a portal out of 14 obsidian

Can you break obsidian with a gold pic in mine craft?

The Only thing That Can Break Obsidian Is A Diamond Pickaxe. :3

Can the wither in mine craft break obsidian?

Nothing in vanilla aside from repeatedly hitting and creative mode can break obsidian. No amount of wither or TNT will break it.

What can you make out of obsidian stone in mine craft?

You can make a Nether Portal. Put the Obsidian in a 4x6 vertically with a 2x3 hole in it. Using Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge, right click on the bottom Obsidian.

Can you mine obsidian with a hoe in minecraft?

No. Only a Diamond Pickaxe can mine obsidian.

Can you mine obsidian with an iron pickaxe?

No you can't you can only mine the obsidian with a diamond pickaxe.

Can you mine obsidian with a golden pick axe minecraft 1.2.5?

No, you need a diamond pickaxe to mine obsidian.

Can you mine Obsidian with a diamond shovel in minecraft?

No, you need a diamond pickaxe to successfully mine obsidian, and it takes 15 seconds. With anything else it take a minute, roughly. If you do not use a diamond pickaxe you will not be able to mine the obsidian.

What is the obsidian use for?

It has been used to craft tools, historically. Obsidian has also been used to make jewelry.

How can you make obsidian?

You have to get a bucket of water. Pour it on the lava and then mine the obsidian with a diamond pickaxe.

Can obsidian be mined with a gold pick in minecraft?

You need a Diamond pickaxe to mine Obsidian.

What do you do to mine obsidian in minecraft?

You need to wait 15 seconds while whacking the obsidian with a diamond pickaxe.