If you mean Sims 2 for the DS, you have to build the basement/hidden bunker (whichever you call it)..he lives there. You should have some food on you though to give him, he will like you then. Eventually he will become you're friend if you give him some food everyday.
You need the sims 2 bon voyage first of all. Then you dig for treasure outside until you find a map. Next you have your sims go on a vacation to the three lakes. Then they will be able to go to the place where the map says to go and there they will find bigfoot!
why not...
Your computer may not meet the sims 2 game requirements.
To meet a monkey in sims 2 castaway all you have to do is go to the jungle, usually monkeys will come to you , and then you can befriends , chat ,hug ect with them :)
built the secret warehouse. it will appear after 8 hours next 2 the government lab under the barrels!! hope i helped
You need the sims 2 bon voyage first of all. Then you dig for treasure outside until you find a map. Next you have your sims go on a vacation to the three lakes. Then they will be able to go to the place where the map says to go and there they will find bigfoot!
i dno, wats bigfoot. No he doesnt. (Big Foot is the hairy monster in the secret wharehouse)
Your sims cannot turn into bigfoot. You can only make bigfoot appear. If you open the cheat box (Ctrl+Shift+c) and type inboolProp testingCheatsEnabled trueand then hold shift and click on your mailbox then click NPC and click more until you see bigfoot in the options and click on it. It doesn't always work fast but try again if it doesn't do it the first time.
why not...
Yes and No. if u found him and took him home, another BigFoot will be replaces for another Sim u create to take him home
I have tryed everything can any one help me get him in the loby
Your computer may not meet the sims 2 game requirements.
To meet a monkey in sims 2 castaway all you have to do is go to the jungle, usually monkeys will come to you , and then you can befriends , chat ,hug ect with them :)
built the secret warehouse. it will appear after 8 hours next 2 the government lab under the barrels!! hope i helped
he comes when you r pretty happy or really sad u should become freinds wth him for him 2 go away