you cant. the sound is probably either a disk spinning, or the fan running so the machine doesnt melt. if its not making noise, its probably off or broken.
Wii games will probably still be going for a long time. It will only be until the Wii is completely obsolete.
no Nintendo puts some stupid lock on your wii to stop it
First you equip a ear of corn. then go in front of the wind mill and press A. and it should make a gulping noise indicating that it took it.
No, it's region locked. This is not always true. There is a way you can play them. You could either install a modchip, which would require you having to open your Wii and solder on wires, which is potentially bad for your console, or you could buy a Freeloader. It is a disc that you insert into your Wii, let it do it's thing, take it out, and put in your English disc! Unfortunately Nintendo are stopping this from happening. They are making updates that stop the Freeloader from working. So make sure you either haven't updated your console, or update it to version 3.2.
try to rest your wii or just go to game stop to get it fixed
you press the home button. then press the wii settings button and press the minus sign to decrease volume on your wii remote and plus to increase volume on wii remote.
Unplug everything, replug it back in.
Wii games will stop being produced some time after the Wii-U is released.
i dont think so because its so famous and nearly every one has it so they stop making wii games between 2013-2016
Wii games will probably still be going for a long time. It will only be until the Wii is completely obsolete.
they are gonna make a few Pokemon games for the wii k.
no, but if you play it too long it will over heat then it will make a loud beeping noise until you un-plug it from the wall
Because they are making them for the PSP and Nintendo Wii in 2009
Yes, GNT3 in the US is Clash of Ninja Revolution on the Wii. They probably switched it to the Wii because of the GC's failing popularity.
no they are only making it for 3ds with the 3ds graphics. Super Paper Mario is the only one for wii
I think you misunderstood. The successor to the Wii will be the Wii2
NINTENDO stopped making GameCube games because the Nintendo Wii has a compartment on the top that you can insert GameCube controllers and memory cards inside, so many people sell their GameCubes for the Wii. Also, NINTENDO wants people to switch over to the Wii from GameCube to make money and so they have the next-gen game, so for those reasons, they stopped GameCube game production. They still make memory cards and controllers for the GameCube.