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just put a "." before you chat like this


not like this


or like this

. hi

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Q: How do you make thought bubble in toontown?
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How do you make a long speech bubble on toontown online?

just type a whole bunch of words

Can you get married in toontown?

Yes, you can get married in toontown. Well you do pretend wedding with your girlfriend you really like in toontown, not in real life because you dont know that person in real life. And plus to you can pretend to kiss and hold hands in toontown. Pretend to hold hands by saying holds hands and your think bubble will show up saying it. To kiss you must say smooch or kes since the word kiss isnt in toontown dictionary. ( another way to kiss is use angry emotion at same time and you both will touch each other's mouth. ) Remember to do think bubble by press the period and then type your words and the think bubble will show up.

Is it illegal to make videos on toontown?

It isn't illegal to make Toontown videos. After all, there are a lot of them on Youtube.

What is aThought Bubble?

there are two different kind of thought bubble. first thought bubble is to think something in your mind. second it is in a commic script and you will see a bubble connected to a cloud oh and if im correct plese trust point me

How do you make a SOS toon on toontown?

You cannot 'Make' a SOS toon on ToonTown you can be awarded a SOS toon by defeating the Sellbot VP. :]peace4life[:

Is it true toontown is closing for good?

Toontown will never close. I don't know why people think that. Disney wouldn't dissappoint so many people by closing it's doors. If it does close, I'm sure it would reopen the doors to it's amazingly fun activities.

Why can't you toontown in Ireland?

Don't you mean "Why can't you play Toontown in Ireland?", the title doesn't make any scense

What day will cog nation be in toontown?

Nobody knows except the people who make Toontown but they have said it's coming in 2011.

What are some of the toontown accounts?

Make an account and find out.

On toontown how do you make an animal noise?

You type in ooo.

How do you make a bot on toontown?

u can make a bot disguise but not a real bot.

How do you make cog?

It is impostable to make a cog unless you were part of making toontown