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Okay wat u have to do is , First off open your game. then go to View>Toolbox . then find game objects. insert the spawns ( make sure its the gray one ). then you need to click on the first spawn. the properties should come up. then Chang the colour of the spawn 2 wat every u want. then scroll down ( in the properties ) then there is a box that says " Neutral, Team changeable, and something else. Chang the colour in that area ( named team colour to wat the color of the spawn is. then click team changeable and uncheck Neutral. then click of in the work space so nothing is selected then go to Insert>service>team. then in the works space area there is now a folder named teams. Click that. then go to Insert>object>team. then one u have done that the properties will come up. Chang the name 2 ur team. then Chang the colour to your teams colour NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE ALL THE COLOURS THE SAME. THE SPAWN TEAM AND THE TEAMS COLOUR. then walk over your spawn then up where your name is yowl appear in a team. Do this to the rest of the spawns. and for every new team click on Team in the work space ( the on with out a name called Team ) and go to Inser>Object>Team. there u go. Few that waz alot of reading ^_^. In joy

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Q: How do you make the teams on your place change on roblox?
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To make teams on Roblox first open the place you want to add the teams to in Roblox Studio. Secondly, open the Insert window, go to game objects, and insert a spawn point of the color you want the team to be. Then go into the object browser and click on the teams folder. From here you can edit the properties of the teams such as it's name.

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First make sure you are logged in and click My Roblox. Second click "places" on the top toolbar. Click edit on the place you want the change the name of. From there you will be able to change the name and description of your place.

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Open Roblox Studios. Go to the game you what to put the teams in. Press EDIT. Then go to Insert Object Teams. Then put in a spawn.

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Open your place in the Roblox studio. In the explorer select teams and find your team. Click the team you want to rename and type in the desired name in the "Name" property of the team.

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By default when you make a place it is searchable on Roblox. However, if you have multiple places that are inactive, or you accidentally set your place to inactive, it will not be searchable. To fix this go to "My Roblox"/places, and click "make this place active" on your place.

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you go to my roblox, places, then scroll to which place you want to make inactive, and click " make inactive"

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Go to menu then look for "Roblox Studio". Click roblox studio then find the toolbox. Click that and you can make and insert models into your place.

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While on the Roblox website, go to "My Roblox". Then click on "My Character". There, you can change and edit your character.