The rocket launch is just a creative way to know how many weeks it has been since you started your game. Besides that, it does nothing. You cannot launch it, because Nintendo would have confirmed this otherwise.
Press the fire button
By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...
Not possible.
Nearly every Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald have a chance of being female or male. If you have captured a female Pokemon, it won't change into a male Pokemon. It is impossible (without any cheats) to make all wild Pokemon male.
The rocket launch is just a creative way to know how many weeks it has been since you started your game. Besides that, it does nothing. You cannot launch it, because Nintendo would have confirmed this otherwise.
The rocket launch is just a creative way to know how many weeks it has been since you started your game. Besides that, it does nothing. You cannot launch it, because Nintendo would have confirmed this otherwise.
not sure not sure
Pokemon will probably make aurora emerald if anything.
There are several Pokemon that will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon Emerald. These include Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.
follow the instruction manual
Press the fire button
By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...
Not possible.
of course after you get empoleon in emerald
To launch the rocket off the ground and make it go fast.
It Can Cause The Rocket To Spin Out, and/or wobble of course