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you can use < for more transparent and > for less :)

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Q: How do you make the paint more transparent on Sketchfu?
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Is there any sketchfu cheats?

If you keep pressing your video, it makes it seem it got more views. or if you want to do really straight lines without a tablet then click your right and left clickers at the same time, then move your mouse for where you want the line.

Can you make a minecraft texture pack using windows paint?

Yes, it is possible. However, that is a very basic program and I would recommend something more advanced such as paint.NET or GIMP. Paint.NET is more user-friendly to those who use windows paint, but GIMP is more advanced. Just remember, the default texture size for each block in the texture is 16x16 pixels.

A 720 ml container holds a mixture of red yellow and white paint in a 5312 ratio how much more red paint than yellow is present in the mixture?

A 720 ml container holds a mixture of red, yellow, and white paint in a 5 : 3 : 12 ratio. How much more red paint than yellow is present in the mixture?

Do playing violent video games make people more violent?

Studies have shown they do not make people more violent.

In the sims 3 how do you paint?

Go onto buy bode and click the icon of a study. There should be a canvas icon there that is for Hobbies. Click on it and pay for a canvas, put it in a room somewhere and your away! Just tell your Sim to paint small, medium, or large. When your Sim is finished you can sell it or hang it somewhere in your home. The better the picture, the more it will sell for. If your Sim is artistic they are more likely to learn painting skill quicker and can move on to more artistic pieces, again selling for more money. Their first few paintings won't be very brilliant though.

Related questions

How can I make oil paint transparent?

To make oil paint transparent, you can mix it with a medium like linseed oil or turpentine. This will dilute the paint and make it more translucent, allowing underlying layers to show through.

Is there a way to make opaque paint more transparent?

yes, you can thin paint to use like stain. just thin with what ever you would clean it with. waterbase paint use water. oil base paints use thinner.

Why red paint is expensive?

red paint is the more transparent color to paint, dont know the science of that reason, but i learned about red paint the hard way.... it takes at least 3-4 coats, other colors are 2 coats normally

Can you mix water with acrylic paint to achieve a desired consistency or effect?

Yes, you can mix water with acrylic paint to adjust its consistency and create different effects. Adding water can make the paint thinner and more transparent, allowing for smoother brushstrokes and blending. However, adding too much water can weaken the paint's adhesion and coverage. It's important to experiment with the ratio of water to paint to achieve the desired result.

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What is added to soap to make it transparent?

Glycerin is typically added to soap to make it transparent. Glycerin helps to create a clear appearance by allowing light to pass through the soap. Transparent soap often contains glycerin as well as other ingredients such as alcohol or sugars to enhance clarity.

Do you add more water to watercolour paint to make it lighter?

that is definitely a way. just make sure you have color paint paper. or else it may backfire on you/

Does candy paint go on first and how many coats?

The base color goes on 1st and how many coats depends on how dark you want the color. The more coats the darker the color. The "candy" is transparent.

Why some bulbs are transparent while other are not?

to control the light intensity. The transparent bulbs are more intensive than the non-transparent one.

How do you give transparency to a word in the background of a word document?

I would type the word in word art. from there you can make it more transparent.

Is there a beach with blue sand?

there is not but you can make one or more just get 100 big buckets of blue paint and paint the sand blue.

How do you make color dark green?

add a small amount of black paint to the green paint (if it is paint or liquid of some sort) and mix it well. you can vary the darkness by adding more black paint.