First you need the recipe, which can be found at the Millenium Tree during Chapter 5.
The ingredients are (some can be substituted) Eternal Turnkey, Gearbox, Apollo's Diapason and Le Merou Cog.
you cant.
Make sure you DO have enough free space. If you do, delete it and re-download it.
you hav to unplug the keyboared and unscrew the "n" key. you aoutomatically unlock all portals. hehe they make me giidy.
there are boxes on the sides, just step on them, you shoot out of the cannon, and land on the arcade bot and then push the buttons, and make sure cannon is aimed at him, and make sure the bot is not too close or not too far
An average student is one that is neither below nor above the curve. They do just enough work to make it. They usually have a median GPA like 2.8 but can go as high as a 3.2. They may not get into the best colleges, and they may or may not be involved in one extracurricular activity.
No, the item Metronome will make a move stronger if used continuously.
Be an alliance char!z
To make an alliance in Travian, you must have an embassy then level it up until the embassy is level 3 then you can make alliances.
Once you've made Green Soup, make it again, but select Green Soup itself as the first ingredient. Vayne will say he's close to thinking of a new recipe, and you'll now be able to make Red Soup.
Go to optins, alliance diplomacy, write the alliance name and chose Offer a confederation pact
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. .
Yea,it will my chansey learned it to but then make it uo to lv.100 and maybe itll work.
iknow you see there is a red hand and green hand click on that then click on found alliance then you can make your own alliance :>
ur so weird. you can make your own dumbo. but.... the strongest alliance in Delta is The Huns
Las Vegas Dancers Alliance's motto is 'Together We Can Make a Difference'.
It depends on what you mean. Anyone can make their own new alliance by typing a unique (not already being used) name into their Alliance Affiliation field... ...But actually, it takes quite a lot of dedication and know-how to found and run a successful alliance. Read some of the guides on the CN forums.
you have to build a embassy and upgrade it to level 3. then go into the embassy and you will see an option to create an alliance