you have to click appoint mayor, then instead of appoint, click remove then click ok
their is no private servers in evony ATM sense it is only 2 years old but eventually someone will make it
yes u can download desktop evony
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.
They make new servers almost all the time, you can never tell.
One company that makes a great deal of games similar to Evony is GameForge DE, who make the grandfather of online games like Evony, called Ogame. The most similar one to Evony is Ikariam. In both cases, don't expect games to come to any kind of conclusion. server 1 of Ogame formed in 2002 and has been running since.
First you should make the mayor idle, then dismiss it.
You go in feasting hall and you click on appoint mayor. Then you choose the hero you want as a mayor, he should have high points in politics since it affects both production and construction time.
Your mayor can do a few different tasks, when making troops u need a high attack mayor, when upgrading/making buildings u need a high politics mayor, when scouting and doing scientific research.
To make money.
you get the troops usual training time shorter by making your BEST ATTACK HERO AS MAYOR
you make a barracks and make them there but they cost resourse and gold
their is no private servers in evony ATM sense it is only 2 years old but eventually someone will make it
No. This was a marketing technique used by evony to gain more players. The women you see in the adverts do not appear in-game.
I think you can only make heroes champions.
Evony happened in 2009.
it runs on a java scrips platform