You cannot make the clown wig in the Webkinz Kinzstyle Outlet clothing machine. You get it by buying it at the Curio Shop. The items changes every hour so there might not be one right now. You never know unless you check.
i used a hula skirt i trimed it so it would be the correct length then tied it around the head and ut off the extras :_)
they are worth nothing. the rarest item ever on webkinz is the bunny clown so no it is not worth anything.
Yes, they do. The retired webkinz are just webkinz that the people that make webkinz, don't make any more.
It depends on what you mean by stock. If you mean the stock of the webkinz, then yes. The webkinz people make the webkinz and send them out in stocks to the stores that sell them. Every once in a while, they'll stop making one kind of webkinz and make it that kind of webkinz 'retired'.
I don't know how to make that recipe, but if you want to make recipes they have a great collection at
You can't make the clown wig, you have to buy it at Arte's Curio Shop.
To get the clown wig on CP, you have to wait until the wig is in the catalog Then save up your coins and buy! Voila! You've now got a clown wig. I hope this helps you.
red nose, make up, big nose, wig, clown suit
he would have to take off his big shoes, hat and wig
i used a hula skirt i trimed it so it would be the correct length then tied it around the head and ut off the extras :_)
you don't make it, you buy it. when the PJ says that sometimes there will be a special item on the table, that's one of the items. so is the clown suit, clown hat, clown shoes, super hero costume, superhero mask, superhero shoes, scuba mask...
they are worth nothing. the rarest item ever on webkinz is the bunny clown so no it is not worth anything.
The Bengal Tiger <:-P
To create a clown costumes, you can first put them in an oversize clothing. Try to make the clothes more colorful as well as their accessories. Don't forget to buy them a pair of clown shoes. Then you can paint their face white, their nose red and, their lips big and high eye brows. The last thing you need to do is have your kid wear a bright red wig.
sunshine shores on the towel and the clown nose is in the market place on the barrel
hello!!!!!here are the names:timasuesolejoymelt downflame'echinei will send more in!
January- Webkinz Silverback Gorilla Febuary- Webkinz Blufadooodle March- Webkinz Caterpillar April- Webkinz Caramel Lion May- Webkinz Grey Owl June- Webkinz Silversoft Cat July- Webkinz Clown Fish August- Webkinz Rooster September- Webkinz Pelican October- Webkinz Black Cat Sadly, November's has not been announced yet. It will be soon.