go to the build mode and when you do the base of the house, there should be a small picture of stairs, if you click on that, it will bring up the stairs.
Yup, up to 5 floors!
You have to go to the build section and buy stairs and then you have to make a floor.
use the sledgehammer tool and click the stairs
Unfortunately, you can't actually build stairs/upstairs for the sims on ps2 :'( get the sims 3 or the sims 2 (computer version(s)) to do this. Both work on pc, but only sims 3 works on mac :)
Easy U make the first story, then u buy stairs and move up a level then u make tht story,then u buy stairs then move up a level.
first make a foundation, then make the stairs do not put and walls or doors until you put the stairs.
Yup, up to 5 floors!
You have to go to the build section and buy stairs and then you have to make a floor.
use the sledgehammer tool and click the stairs
you go on build mode and there are a picture of stairs going up to a door if you click on them you pick your stairs and place them in you house
Unfortunately, you can't actually build stairs/upstairs for the sims on ps2 :'( get the sims 3 or the sims 2 (computer version(s)) to do this. Both work on pc, but only sims 3 works on mac :)
No. You cannot have stairs for ANY of the Sims games on platforms PS2, Xbox, DS and GBA. You can however on PC. yes you can on sims 3 you can and on the pregnant one do you even have sims?
Easy U make the first story, then u buy stairs and move up a level then u make tht story,then u buy stairs then move up a level.
You can get stairs in the sims 2 for the PC! :]
You can't get stairs for the sims 2 ps2, you can only have stairs in the sims 2 PC
yes make stairs stairs only exist on the PC version though