Easy just put RelaxTea Leaves in a cooking pot you make Relax tea leaves by using
Blue Grass + Green Grass + Red Grass +Yellow Grass + Orange Grass + Indigo Grass + Purple Grass + a weed
Then Add all those together on your NU. (No utensils)
If you mean tea leaf seeds then you buy them from Marimba Farm in the summer. But if you mean just tea leaves then I don't know where you get them. Sorry!
You have to buy the Pot (Not Dye Pot or Aging Pot, just Pot) from the Junk Shop, and collect a green herb (In the mountains in the Spring-time). :)
That depends on the season. Spring: Lettuce or Strawberries Summer: Tea Leaves. But they grow very fast so you'll have to do a lot of planting and replanting throughout the season. Fall: Blue Mist Flowers Winter: Snowdrop Flowers
tea, team, am, work, or,
if you've already gotten the tea from "the lady" then she won't give you more. the lady that gives tea is in the celadon mansion, make sure you have the right building.
Relax Tea. You get it by cooking Tea Leaves in a Pot.
To get relax tea leaves you can either cook it or buy it. You can buy it for 1000 medals at the sprite tree. To make it you have to have red orange yellow green blue indigo and purple grass and a weed. You get all those items and cook them using no utensils. You now have relax tea leaves. To get relax tea you just put the relax tea leaves on a pot and viola you have luminas fav gift =)
Hot Coffee & Stars Just make him tea. (:
Their are 41 recipes for the Cooking Pot in Harvest Moon D.S. Here are some very easy recipes. Hot Milk: Milk Boiled Egg: Egg Apple Jam: apple Pumpkin Stew: Pumpkin Noodles: flour Buckwheat noodles: Buckwheat Flour Rice soup: rice balls Relax tea: Relax Tea Leaves Fish Stew: Medium or Large Fish I hope that Helped!!!
Zoxian: Leia- Sashimi, big fish Celia- cake Flora and Witch Princess- rainbow curry Lumina and Mary- relax tea Muffy- apple pie Nami- gratin Ann- cheese fondue Elli- moon dumplings Karen- pizza Popuri- omlet rice Harvest Goddess- strawberries Keria- golden lumber
My sister, Tea. Shes a smartie pants.lol!!!!
You can only get threm from the Harvest Sprites an only in Spring by giving them something that they REALLY like, i.e. flour.
You can get lumina to like you by giving her relax tea,perfume,diamonds.Or if you are early in the game and do not have the kitchen or a lot of money she also likes flowers which you find in random lots and anything you dig up with your hoe at the excavation site.
If you mean tea leaf seeds then you buy them from Marimba Farm in the summer. But if you mean just tea leaves then I don't know where you get them. Sorry!
Chamomile tea can be relaxing. If you are already tired, but tense, you may not realize that you are tired. After you relax, you may notice the tiredness. Chamomile tea should not make you tired, by itself.
You have to buy the Pot (Not Dye Pot or Aging Pot, just Pot) from the Junk Shop, and collect a green herb (In the mountains in the Spring-time). :)
a good dish would be relax tea. if you add extra wild grasses into it, you will ALWAYS win the cooking festival! steamed egg custard is a good replenishing recipe. it heals lots of energy! omelete is great too. you only need oil, milk, and eggs. hope this helped!