Porygon evolves into Porygon2 when you trade it to any other Generation IV game (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, Soulsilver) while it's holding an Up-Grade, which in Platinum you can obtain at Route 224 or in the Galactic Eterna Building next to where Jupiter stood.
Porygon doesn't evolve at a level. You need a special item to make it evolve.
use a firestone on eevee
You must first evolve Ralts into Kirlia and then you must use a Dawn Stone to make it evolve into Gallade.
You make it become friends with you, you should get Pokemon heartgold or soulsilver
you cant... you have to make chansey evolve with high friendship. you can find chansy on rout 209 in diamond, pearl, and platinum
Go to Veilstone city, and make sure you have a free spot in your party.In one of the houses a person is giving away a free Porygon.
Make it happy and it will evolve into Crobat.
You have to make Aipom evolve!
Get it to level 31.
no, you push b when you do not want them to evolve. To make them evolve, you have to raise them to a certain level.
Porygon doesn't evolve at a level. You need a special item to make it evolve.
make it happy and i think level it up!
Trade it while holding an Electirizer.
give it to rydon and trade it to make him evolve
You give it a protector and trade it.
use a firestone on eevee
Roserade doesn't evolve. If you mean Roselia, you need to use a dawn stone on it to make it evolve.