What i do is i do the 'Ctrl Shift C' Cheat and type in the box.... boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
and then hold down Shift and click on your sim, and then click "More" then click "Spawn" and then "More" and then click "Sim Modder" then a baby should appear near your sim. click on the baby and click "age" then select the sim you want to make younger and select the age you want.
I think this is the best way to do it.
Hope this helped.
I tried this to make my pregnant adult a pregnant teen and it worked fantastic. you can then delete the baby and the tombstone.
no, i don't think so...for the sims 2 there was this object you could download and make your sims young again but i don't think anything like that has been made for the sims 3.yet.
young adult, i think.
If you mean on Sims 2 then you have to have the University expansion pack, then make a teen Sim go to college and they will turn into a young adult Sim. If it's on Sims 3, then I am not sure, sorry.
Once you make the young adult and adult and save them to the clipboard you can go to edit relationships when your sims are sitting on the couch before you move them into a home. Put the two sims pictures next to each other after you click edit relationships and click spouse of.
You can't. Female Sims in Young Adult and Adult life stage can get pregnant. However, there might be a special cheat available to make a Teen Sim pregnant.
What do you mean by make them young?
Yes they can. Old men can get married to young women, and I think old women can get married to young men on sims 2. Old men can get young women pregnant on sims 2, but old women cannot get pregnant no matter what.
in sims 1 In sims 2 you have a toddler (and with a expansion a young addult) In sims 3 you have toddler and young addult Thank you
You cant make teenagers preagnant on the sims 3,only the young adults and up can make love and have a baby.
Yes, young adults are permitted to date adult Sims as well as elder Sims.
no, impossible and impossible only on computer
No. Only Young Adults and above can be pregnant and eventually have babies.
Yes you can you only have you cant when you are a baby,child,teenager or old man/lady
Go to the ... in the right corner of the page, then to options, then game options then you can set how long sims live and make children live for hundreds of days
nope. not in any version. but, young adults can (in the sims 3 or if you have sims 2 university)
This is on the wii version. You can make your own characters, they can be young, teenagers, adults, or old. You will move into a house of your pick. You can also have kids. Your teenagers and kids will go to school. You can go to restaurants, stadium games, and even hospitals. But if you don't take care of your sims, they will get sent away or even die!
The Sims reach the same age as in The Sims 2